Baby's First Year: Milestones to Watch
Baby's First Year: Milestones to Watch
The first year of a baby’s life is filled with developmental milestones, and it’s a time of tremendous growth and change. While every baby develops at their own pace, it’s important to be aware of the general milestones for the first year.
Month 1: Early Reactions and Focus
- Begins to focus on objects and faces.
- Starts making small noises and facial expressions.
- Responds to loud sounds with startle reflexes.
Month 2: Emotional Development
- Shows emotion and responds to your voice.
- Is comforted by your touch.
- Can lift head and chest when lying on their stomach.
- May start to roll over.
Month 3: Increased Interaction
- Raises head and chest when lying on stomach.
- Begins to laugh and smile.
- Responds to their own name.
- Rolls over more frequently.
Month 4: Exploring the World
- Sits with support.
- Starts to babble.
- Uses hands to explore objects.
Month 5: Mobility Begins
- Rolls over in both directions.
- May begin to crawl.
- Responds to simple commands.
- Understands the difference between objects.
Month 6: Sitting and Standing
- Sits without support.
- May stand while holding onto something.
- Follows basic commands.
Month 7: First Words
- Understands the meaning of words.
- May say their first word.
- Pulls themselves up to a standing position.
Month 8: Passing and Standing
- Passes objects from one hand to the other.
- May stand alone for a few seconds.
Month 9: Crawling and Cruising
- Crawls and cruises around furniture.
- Says familiar words like “Mama” and “Dada”.
- Understands simple instructions.
Month 10: Standing and Walking
- Stands alone.
- May walk while holding onto furniture.
Month 11: Walking and Climbing
- Walks without help.
- May climb stairs.
- Begins to say two-word sentences.
- Understands simple stories.
Month 12: Running and Communicating
- Walks and may run.
- Uses gestures to communicate.
- Understands more complex instructions.
These milestones are just a general guide, and every baby is unique and develops at their own pace. If you have any concerns about your baby’s development, speak to your doctor or health care provider.
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