Welcome home Baby. Comfort and safety of a New Baby.
Welcome home, baby!
We've been waiting for you so long... Mommy, dady, your siblings. We are over the moon that you are with us at our home finally. But there is also an uninvited guest with us - our fear. Our fear for your safety, your relationship with siblings, which may be difficult at first, but you can be sure that soon you will not be able to live without yourself.
The appearance of another baby at home is a huge challenge for the whole family. You as parents or your older children as they have to accept the new member of their family. And its not always enthusiasm at first but on the contrary aggression, anger or jealousy. Extreme, strong emotions. They accompany every family not only yours.
You look for answers on how to take care of the safety of your little ones, how to protect them and how to create a safe and comfortable environment. You want your children to feel safe and loved and the enlargement of your family to be a source of joy and new wonderful experiences.
We bring you our baby sleeping pods to help you deal with all those fears you encounter. The baby sleeping pods turns out to be an irreplacable piece of equipment for the bedroom of a new family member. Put it in the in the cot to make this place even more warm and cozy - almost like his/her mommy tummy. It also allows safe play with his older siblings. A baby in sleeping pod will not slip out of bed suddenly. Your baby can joyfuly observe his/her older sister or brother, who shake the rattle over him/her and lie next to him/her, keeping a safe distance from his/her fragile body. The baby sleeping pod can be used as portable cot. The baby is always in his/her own surrounding and feels safe.When you travel always bring it with you and enjoy peascful nights whenever you are staying- at your family or hotel your baby always feel safe in his/her own sleeping pod. It can serve also as playing mat - depends on your needs at the moment.
Why else should we use the baby sleeping pod? The limited space gives the child a sense of security, allows to orientate in space and control his own body. A baby pod is a perfect solution for newborns. Place the baby in the pod so that it almost touches the head of its edge, the space around it will not be overwhelming.
The quality of sleep undoubtedly affects the most important aspects of our lives. The child will grow up and respond to your love and care, and the circadian rhythm will adapt to the boundaries that you now assign.
EvCushy Sleeping Pods arise out of love for children. In response to their needs. For you the first moments after returning home were unique, joyful and fearless.
We want to be part of these beautiful moments. We'll be grateful if you share them with us using #evCushy
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